Our service exceeds beyond the mere transport of goods from the factory to the destination
We offer a variety of additional services closely connected to logistics.
- Warehousing
- Project Logistics
- Additional Services
- Transport Consultancy
With our own warehouse we can provide high-quality and efficient warehousing solutions.
Tailored to your processes and requirements we ensure a perfect flow of material , from storage to retrieval.
Further services include
- arranging and fitting of displays
- order picking
- returns management
- neutralisation / re-labelling of your products
Project Logistics
You require a refined and elaborate transport concept? Heavy and oversized components from the production site to the point of use or transport of a turnkey plant. We will plan and excute your transport requirements for any project. Both national and international.
Additional Services<strong
- mass mailings
- product rollout
- labelling
- reverse logistics
- disposal
Transport Consultancy
We understand the business models and needs of our clients. We will be pleased to create an individual concept
customised to your processes and operational procedures.
- outsourcing
- material flow inbound/outbound
- supplier evaluation
Contact us. We are looking forward to your inquiry!